J’s Aroma Handmade soaps are made from natural vegetable oils, botanical raw materials and aromatherapy essential oils to cleanse and maintain the skin.
Because the handmade soap ingredients are naturally non-irritating, and there is a natural moisturizing ingredient glycerin, and with different formulas, It is especially effective for sensitive skin, itching, eczema, rash, acne and rosacea. It is also especially suitable for people who have skin care requirements.
Handmade soap is made from natural vegetable oils by low temperature methods. It is manufactured and released with a natural moisturizing ingredient, glycerin, which moisturizes and protects the skin. It is made with specific vegetable oil formulas and different natural ingredients, such as flowers and herbs, according to specific skin needs. It is especially suitable for people who have skin requirements and have skin problems. The soaps can be used on the face and body, some can be used on the hair.
<2> What are the benefits of handmade soap and other cleansing products?
The ingredients of handmade soap are based on natural plant materials, minimizing the burden on the skin and the environment. If the cleansing products are added with more chemicals and preservatives, the skin’s repair power may be reduced. The additives put a burden on your skin, and is even unsuitable for the problem skin. Handmade soap is made by low-temperature method, which can preserve the natural nutrients and glycerin of many raw materials, so that the skin after washing is moisturized and maintained without affected by chemicals.
〈三〉 怎麼使用
1. 使用手工皂時可配合起泡網使用,能製造細緻泡沫,再使用在臉部或 身體上。
2. 因為每一種手工皂的配方都有特定功能,故此不建議把手工皂另作他 用,例如洗碗或洗衣服。
3. 手工皂應放在排水良好的皂盒,存放在乾燥,陰涼,通風的環境,這 讓手工皂更耐用。
<3> How to use
1. When using handmade soap, it can be used together with a foaming net to make a fine foam and then applied to the face or body.
2. Because each of the handmade soap formulations has a specific function, it is not recommended to use the handmade soap for other purposes, such as washing dishes or washing clothes.
3. Handmade soap should be placed in a well-drained soap box and stored in a dry, cool, ventilated environment, which makes the handmade soap more durable.